Yeah. I'm a little obsessed with these books. I've never read anything
so quickly and with such neglect of the household chores. Thank
goodness work didn't suffer the way my home and family did! I made a
point of not taking the books to work while I was reading them, so that
helped, but I would get home and sit right down to read - no matter what
needed doing! Poor H. was stuck eating with plastic utensils for a few
days there and I did have to take a break for one load of laundry at
some point (thank goodness for uniforms!).
am quite worried that this movie will not be good. I loved reading the
books and even got Henry to read them (and about 20 people that I work
with!). Because of that love of the books I am terrified that the movie
will fall flat in comparison. We shall see... Henry is extremely
optimistic about it, but he is a heterosexual guy and therefore did not
fall in love with Edward unlike most of the women I know. Cedric
Diggory (whatever his real name is...) will have to do quite a bit to
impress me in this role. I hope he's up to the challenge!! Go here to
see a preview: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810010670/trailer
3am Update:
just driven the snowy roads home from the Midnight show of Twilight and
I thought I'd get down my first impressions of the movie. I liked it.
Completely against my better judgment, I must say. This is not to
imply that it is a good movie, but I will say it is a fair and decent
2-hour interpretation of a 500 page book. The acting was pretty poor
across the board and Bella only has one expression, but I will admit
that Cedric Diggory (who's name is actually Robert Pattinson) was a good
portrayal of Edward. Not perfect - but then who really could be the
perfect Edward?
They took many liberties with the
story, but I believe that a lot of them were improvements to the visual
and intellectual sides of the story. No matter how they mashed up the
scenes in the woods, they were beautifully shot and made me want to go
the the Pacific Northwest even more than ever. The buildings and sets
were excellent and the mood of the movie was spot on. The Port Angeles
scene actually flowed more easily in the movie than it did in the book
(aside from the weird waitress they used) and even the somewhat cheesy
baseball scene was executed well. We all know that Bella wouldn't be
caught in her underwear with Edward, but I'll let that one slide for all
the guys who go to see the movie with their girlfriends. They throw in
the "evil" characters earlier in the movie than they appear in the book
but it works because they help tie in the action scenes that Stephenie
Meyer likes to put only into the last 75 pages of any of her books.
Another scene that was altered was the fight scene which Bella misses
entirely in the book (because she is passed out) and I was glad to see
in the movie. Go Alice!
Speaking of Alice, she was one
of the few actors I liked in this movie but I wish they'd been able to
explore more of her relationship with Bella. I know they only had two
hours and it isn't a movie about friendships but I look forward to more
of that in New Moon. Rene, Bella's mom, was just the right amount of
flaky but like most of the acting, it fell a bit flat. Jacob was good
(but his hair got on my nerves) and I liked all of her friends in the
movie MUCH MORE than the friends in the book. The ones in the book come
across as place holders who fill time when she isn't with Edward and
are not interesting people, but the ones in the movie are actually
people you'd really want to be friends with - she just isn't paying much
attention to her surroundings or the people in those surroundings.

I wish there was a little bit more of Edward's angst? Yes. However,
that was also the stuff that made me crazy in the book (read: became
very irritating). Bella does not come across as confidant in the book
but she also isn't the odd Eeyore-like character that is portrayed in
the movie. I also thought the very last moment of the movie was weird.
We didn't stick around to see the credits since there were 600 people
at the theatre all trying to leave at the same time and maybe there was a
bonus scene. I guess I'll find out when I go back to see it with the
entire gang from work.
Sparkly. Didn't work for me but
a valiant effort. Maybe they will tweak it in future like was done
with Star Trek's "beam me up" sparkle effects.
favorite aspect of the movie was how they portrayed Bella's scent and
how it affected Edward. It was actually that scene that made me decide
to like Cedric - uh, I mean Robert. He did an excellent job with the
tension and could have taken images out of my brain from when I read the
One of the best parts of being in a crazy big
audience were the collective sighs when new (male) characters would
appear on screen and the moment during the weird awkward kissing scene
someone shouted, "This is awful!!" about how the scene was going. I
concur. Not my favorite part of the movie.
I am also
glad they didn't allow Edward to have stubble. That was one of my big
concerns actually and it worked out in the end. Speaking of the end, my
ability to construct sentences has disappeared, so I am headed to bed at
4am. ugh.
General summary: See it if you liked the books, if you like vampires, or if you like chick-flicks.
Here's a shot of that worrisome stubble. :