Sadly, I am not actually in Bejing tonight for the ceremonies, but I guess it is a good thing for me, since they just doubled the smog level with all the fireworks they set off about ten minutes ago. I loved the drumming. It reminded me of a show I saw in Gatlinburg last November of the Chinese acrobats and the little girls they had drumming for the show. The coordination and skill of those little girls (literally 8-13 years old) was amazing and there were only about ten of them. I think they said there were 2008 of the drummers and performers for the ceremonies tonight and the fact that they were so in sync with each other was crazy. Crazy, I say. Also crazy were the costumes. I guess they know the cameras will be zooming in on them so it is worth the attention to detail, but as a former costume designer I must say that I was astonished by the hours of labor that would have been needed for each dress and traditional robe that was on that stadium floor. My favorite thing might have been the "flow" of the show and the marching band-ness of it all. I wanted to be able to control the camera myself and see it all in big screen view but also be able to see some close up shots. Maybe next time they will do a picture in picture effect to try and please everybody! However, the funniest part of the whole night was when Henry pointed out that Sarah Brightman looked (terrifyingly) like Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks. She totally freaking did, too! Crazy eyes! (Thank you to the glorious interwebs for the images.) We couldn't watch any more of it after that and put in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. : )