On a whim, I ordered a Kindle on December 18, 2008 even though I knew the backorder was a six to eight week wait. I have seen pictures and read countless articles about the Kindle and know that it is a clunky (and expensive) first version of the reader. I've been researching it off and on since this past Summer but keep feeling like I need one. I don't know why. My life will not suddenly become some amazing dreamland because of this fancy streamlined 1950's-esque appliance that can do everything from make the coffee and toast to getting little Jimmy off to school. Nope. It's just a piece of plastic that holds books. It doesn't even hold magazines (and that is my biggest clutter problem!). It's pictures are all grey-scale and not so nice for that particular avenue of media consumption.

Maybe I'm paranoid and I should just wait it out. However, I've just learned about this other digital reader that is due out third quarter of 2009 http://reader.txtr.com/specifications.html and am loving the special feature listed at the bottom of that page. Click the other pages to compare. I waited for the video capabilities for ipod and actually would have been fine with an original version, since I don't watch any video podcasts actually on the device. It is nice to have my pictures on there, however. What I really want out of the Kindle is the capability to switch seamlessly from the text format to the audiobook format. Why? Well, I love to listen to audiobooks on the way to work and if I'm really into it, I don't want to stop and wait until the next day to keep going. I think it would be wonderful to be able to switch back and forth - perhaps a parallel bookmarking feature will be good. I know this first version doesn't do that, so we'll see what the next one has in store for us.
What I really want is for someone to do a compare and contrast article on the different models. The ubiquitous pro/con list, if you will. However, I want none of it to be in speculation. I want FACTS. That is what is making me crazy about this whole thing! Comments are most welcome on this subject and I will be updating if my Kindle ever gets here...